
Welcome to the world as I see it. This blog is all about life as I view it, poetry & random ish.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Product Review

Ok so Sunday I had to get some new products cause I was running mad low. So I decided to get some Suave Naturals Coconut conditioner for my co-washes and some Africa's Best Ultimate Herbal Oil. I still have my Organix Shea Butter Conditioner. So I get home, and decide to use my Suave for my co-wash and my Organix for a deep conditioner. Never before has my hair been so soft and easy to detangle. After that, I decided to use my Africa's Best oil and it was so soft and manageable. So now, I've decided to do a Bantu knot out using my spritz mix (Organix conditioner, purified water and some Doo Gro oil), my ORS Lock and Twist gel and my Africa's best. I love these products!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Wow! Today has been a day! LOL. Product review tomorrow. So over lameness! More tomorrow just wanted to give a quick update.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ok for the guys

So I'm going to try to make this blog a little less bout hair and more about everything going on in my life. So today, I was thinking: karma is a bitch! Seriously! I played so many guys and I kind of deserve the karma I'm getting back but I don't deserve to have someone try to run the game on me. Really? Me? Has he never met me? I get so tried of guys trying to be cool or whatever and mistake a female that's trying to be real for someone else. I stayed by you when everybody else told me to hit the bricks. I'm done with the love thing cause I really don't have time for the b.s. people obviously like! *sigh*

Saturday, December 19, 2009


According to what myspace and facebook say, I'm average. Average height and weight; average looks and average intelligence. But I say I'm not average at least not in my eyes. My parents don't really understand my choice to go natural. My dad says my hair is nappy and my mom can't understand that I have to find different styles to work. My dad also says that with me wanting a big chop, I'm probably a lesbian. *sigh* That's upsetting. I really feel kinda down because I simply am not average. I'm above average. True, I can't find a good style that provides moisture and is cute but really, I can't help it. It's not an excuse either because all my mom wanted to do was braid my hair and never really taught me how to do it. I'm working on it but truthfully, I want my people to research and shut up before they decide to comment on my hair. How can my parents say their proud African Americans when they don't appreciate what God gave us? I'm far from average because I'm beautiful and I appreciate the beauty God gave me.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Ok, so I'm mad late! LOL. So ready 2 BC but Ima wait til Jan to do it. In other news, right now I have a 3.76 (waiting for all my grades 2 come in). Ugh, so ready 2 do this!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Okay so I decided to wash my hair 2nite and it feels good. Ima write down all the steps to my twists so I can remember what 2 do if they come out really nice Today was a hectic day so I'm hoping my ends, which are fragile, will be nice and prada. LOL
Wash w/ Palmer's Olive Oil Shampoo in hot water
Deep condition with Roots of Nature deep conditioner for 30 minutes
Rinse out deep conditioner and condition with Organix Shea Butter conditioner in tepid water
Final rinse in cold water
Section in four sections after misting with Oyin Handmade Juice and Berries leave in
In each section, separate into smaller sections and rub whipped pudding into it
Seal with Organics Loc and Twist