
Welcome to the world as I see it. This blog is all about life as I view it, poetry & random ish.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


While reading Necolebitchie.com I got really upset. Why? B/c as usual, black people are being stupid & stuck on the outside color. Why does it matter about dark skin vs. light skin? We're all people. The comments were ridiculous. http://necolebitchie.com/2011/04/15/selita-ebanks-solange-knowles-cassie-new-faces-of-carols-daughter/#more-129385<----that's the link to the comments smh.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

See what had happened was

Hi ya'll!
OK I've been stupid busy lately which is why, unless you're following me on twitter or have my facebook info, you haven't heard much if anything from me. Between arguing with my parents about an apartment, job hunting, school, relationship ish, roommate shade & being a secretary in an organization, I just haven't had much of a minute to sit down and write. I haven't even written a poem in a few weeks. & not only is my creativity suffering, my hair is too. Like today when I went to wash my hair, the amount of hair that was taken out was depressing and I know it's because my schedule hasn't offered much time to do anything to my hair & since I don't detangle unless I'm planning on wearing my hair out but I've been wearing it out anyway and not protecting it, my BabyLove is suffering.
So as I write, I have a cholesterol treatment in. Hopefully it'll help. When I'm done with my washing session, def plan to wear twists for a few weeks because I just don't have time to do much else & I can't keep letting my hair suffer! But I also have to do a trim which'll happen next week & I'll put up pics.