
Welcome to the world as I see it. This blog is all about life as I view it, poetry & random ish.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


So I haven't updated in a while. I guess this week will be a protective styling/ I'm just lazy week because I'm going to rock my phony pony this week (pics will be updated!) Also found a new blog today called leaveinthekinks.blogspot.com I love it! Yay! LOL. Got to go to bed.
Sweet dreams,

Monday, November 16, 2009


My Oyin finally came! It smells good but doesn't interact with my Doo-Gro 2 well. Seriously though, I've been breaking out so horribly that's it's not even funny but I guess it's due to stress. I'm so happy to be adjusting to my college life though! Anyways, I need to write down my current regimen so I can figure out what I'm doing right or wrong and control my product junkie!
Nightly regimen:
Twist hair into sections after misting with water
Spritz with J&B
Daily regimen:
Unwrap hair
Do something to it
Every other day:
Oil hair
Every 5 days wash hair

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Been kinda busy! Ordered my Oyin and just waiting for it to come in. Had to trim out my ends myself because I didn't have time or $ for anyone else to do. Lookn good. Pics later!